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All CollectionsRelease Notes
v69.0 - 11/28/20234 Release Notes
v69.0 - 11/28/20234 Release Notes

v69.0 - Release Notes

Updated over a week ago

We’re pleased to announce that the following new features are now available:

  • NEW Cures recalculation:

    • Introduced 'Group Total' Tolerance: Fees with 10% tolerance are now considered under a 'Group Total' tolerance. The cure is calculated based on the total sum of these fees, rather than individually

      • Cure Calculation Screen Update: The screen has been updated to display a 'Group Total' for the cure, moving away from a fee-by-fee cure display

    • Special Handling for Transfer Tax: Fees marked as 'Transfer Tax' with Zero Tolerance are now calculated based on a 'Group Total' tolerance, similar to the 10% tolerance fees. The cure is derived from the total sum of these fees

      • Cure Calculation Screen Enhancement: The screen now includes a new section titled 'Zero Tolerance Cure - Transfer Tax', specifically for zero-tolerance transfer fees

  • NEW Analytics Dashboard with comprehensive data visualisation present to a User on welcome page

  • NEW Introduced an 'Internal Chat' Tab in Loan Editor > Activities for enhanced internal communication, designed to serve as a tool for internal notes functionality. Note: This feature does not include notification functionality

  • NEW User will now be able to add company holidays and national holidays to settings in Skynet

We have also introduced several enchancements:

  • NEW The "Occupancy" title renamed to "Intended occupancy" on edit and on view mode (on the REO tab)

  • NEW New properties 'IsSigbed' and 'SignedDate' have been added FormDeliveryHistory.Items array

  • NEW The Loan.Documents collection has been supported in the expressions for loan editor actions and automated action criteria.
    Users can now check if a loan has a specific document type using expressions in loan editor actions and automated action criteria. For example, users can verify if the loan has a 'Disclosure Notices' document with an expression:
    ANY(Loan.Documents, _document.DocumentTypeName == 'Initial Disclosures')

  • NEW [Email Snippets] Added dynamic field "Application link" with link to POS for the application

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