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All CollectionsRelease Notes
v44.0 - 12/13/2022 Release Notes
v44.0 - 12/13/2022 Release Notes

v44.0 - Release Notes

Updated over a week ago

We’re pleased to announce that the following features and enhancements are now available:

  • NEW [LE Lock Info] View Adjustments history:

    • Ability to view the history of automatic and extension price adjustments towards the loan

  • NEW [Legacy] Send custom adjustments to Legacy:

    • Added custom adjustment transmission (adding and deleting) to Legacy

  • NEW [LE Lock Info] Float Down adjustment logic and calculation:

    • Added possibility to have Float Down option for the loan so that a borrower has opportunity to take advantage of lower interest rates

  • NEW Dashboard: add new widget related to the term of finding house:

    • New widget is added. The widget is shown for TBD loans only and contains number of days left to upload a signed contract

  • NEW [Pipelines] Loan Pipelines real-time changes:

    • Implemented Loan Pipelines view to be updated in real-time based on the changes with the loans (back-end side)

  • NEW Loan Tag assignment/un-assignment engine:

    • Implemented tag assignment/un-assignment engine upon each loan update to assign/un-assign tag(s) to/from the loan according to the expressions

  • NEW [AdminPanel/Company] Create and Update Apply form custom questions:

    • The new section 'Apply form custom questions' will be added under Company menu item. The users will be able to create, update and delete custom questions for apply form from Admin Panel side

  • NEW Place program selection to Save Pending Changes:

    • Place checking the program to 'Save changes'

  • NEW Add task to sign form from forms list:

    • Created a new task that lets a user send a form to the borrower from the existing listing of forms

  • NEW Dashboard: add new Your Loan Officer widget:

    • New widget Your Loan Officer added. The widget contains all data related to the assigned Loan Officer, this data is removed from the Application Information widget

  • NEW [Assignment Engines] Trigger engines upon task is changed:

    • Considered changes to tasks as a loan change for triggering engines on time

  • NEW [Remove Custom Question] Checking question key usage at other question expressions prior removal:

    • The system won't allow to remove the custom question if question's key is in use at any other custom question 'Expressions'

  • NEW [Custom Questions Grid] Long questions displaying:

    • When the custom question verbiage exceeds the length of the left block, the rest of the text is hidden under '...' (three) dots

  • NEW [Conditions] Filter the Conditions list for Loan:

    • Don't display not enabled Conditions when add it manually to the loan

  • NEW [SkynetAPI Engines] Add tasks to expression level:

    • Added tasks for all expression engines in SkynetAPI (except Pipeline engine)

  • NEW [Pipeline] Add tasks to expression level:

    • Adding tasks at the expression level of Pipeline engine so that tasks can be used for defining engine rules

  • NEW [Pricing] Round adjustments, rates, points to 3 decimals:

    • Rounded adjustments, rates, and points to 3 decimals

  • NEW [AUS][Documents] Display date depends on users location:

    • Display in user time zone AUS documentation date


    • Implemented CRUD operations on LLPA Types for further usage on adjustments/settings

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