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All CollectionsRelease Notes
v96.0 - 7/30/2024 Release Notes
v96.0 - 7/30/2024 Release Notes

v96.0 - Release Notes

Updated over a week ago

We’re pleased to announce that the following enhancements are now available:

  • User can download a logo for forms. Every PDF form with the dynamic field with that logo will have it.

  • User can adjust the Favicon on the Apply UI.
    Added an additional section to download the favicon: Setting > POS Configuration > Favicon.

  • User can adjust the footer: change the logo and links.

  • Apply page logo settings are unified and now available for changing via Admin side.

  • Users can change the text in modal window under favicon in the company settings.

  • New options for Income are added to system with support in MISMO format.

  • Company settings are extended FHA Loan Identifiers. Values in that fields are also available in MISMO file.

  • Automatically sent Emails are now sent from an address defined at Company Setting "BorrowerFromEmailAddress".

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