We’re pleased to announce that the following enhancements are now available:
• Loan Options Email Preview: The logic for generating and sending Loan Options Emails has been updated, allowing email content to be previewed on the Realtor Portal.
• Rate Options Display: Rate options are now shown on POS, LOS, and the Realtor Portal, based on the Lock Term selection in “System” > “Secondary Configuration” > “Rate Lock Terms” at the company level.
• Email Templates for Loan Options: Loan Options Emails can now be generated from templates, previewed on the Realtor Portal, and sent to borrowers.
• Loan Program Identifier: The Loan Program Identifier field now supports multiple selections for scenarios where more than one identifier applies to a program.
• Investor Product Plan Identifier: A new dropdown for the Investor Product Plan Identifier has been added under “System” > “Secondary” > “Programs.”
• Header View Customization: Loan Editor header view options can now be reordered using drag-and-drop functionality.
• Borrowers Page: A new Borrowers page has been added to the Loan Editor menu, displaying a table with basic borrower information. The API for this page has been refactored.
• AUS Findings Errors: Errors returned on AUS findings requests are now correctly displayed in the Loan Editor Header.
• Construction-to-Permanent Loan Calculations: Cash-out amounts for construction-to-permanent loans now correctly account for the purchase contract price.
• Positive Rental History for FHA Loans: A new indication for positive rental history has been added to the “Loan Editor” > “1003” > “Personal Info” > “Credit Reporting” section for FHA loans with a purchase loan purpose. A radio group labeled “Positive Rental History” has been added at the top of the Credit Reporting section.
• Combined PDF for AUS HTML Files: Each HTML file is now displayed on a new page within a combined PDF document for AUS.
• Government Refinance Purpose: A new “Government Refinance Purpose” dropdown has been added to “Loan Editor” > “Loan Info” for FHA, VA, and USDA refinance loans, allowing users to define documentation types.
• Pre-Populated Additional Mortgages Fields: The “Source of Funds” and “Lien Priority” fields in “Loan Editor” > “Loan Info” > “Additional Mortgages” are now pre-populated with default values to ensure no data is left blank.