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All CollectionsRelease Notes
v43.0 - 11/29/2022 Release Notes
v43.0 - 11/29/2022 Release Notes

v43.0 - Release Notes

Updated over a week ago

We’re pleased to announce that the following features and enhancements are now available:

  • NEW [LE Documents] View extraction fields:

    • The user will be able to review the extracted data via clicking 'View extraction fields' button on LE > Documents screen

  • NEW Add custom font size, font, and font color to dynamic fields:

    • Added custom font size, font list, and font colors fields to dynamic fields for the Forms

  • NEW View loan fees history:

    • Adding option to view the history of all fees of the loan, including manual changes with the fees

  • NEW [Dynamic container] Data retention on page refresh:

    • When user refreshes Document Data page all entered data remains in place

  • NEW [Conditions] Use Sign off group instead of Loan Role:

    • Replaced Role to Sign off group for Condition

  • NEW [Sign Off Groups] Create Sign Off Groups page:

    • Created page and claim for Sign Off groups

  • NEW [Lock Info] Override Lock Extension:

    • Ability to specify custom lock extension adjustment and override maximum extension period for a loan

  • NEW [Sign Off Groups] Add role to Sign Off group:

    • Added creation Sign Off group element

  • NEW [Sign Off Groups] Create Sign Off group element:

    • Added functionality for element in Sign Off group

  • NEW [Pricing] Import APOR data:

    • Implementation of the import of APOR Yield Tables (Fixed and Adjustable) into Pricing storage

  • NEW [Channel] CRUD Float Down Settings:

    • Added float down settings to the Channel screen

  • NEW Pre-Approval widget - update widget functionality (full list of all pre-approval letters, edit functionality):

    • Pre-Approval widget is updated to display the whole list of all generated pre-approval letters as well as any letter can be edited to create a new pre-approval letter.

  • NEW Pre-Approval widget - upload contract functionality:

    • Borrowers are now able to upload Purchase Agreement via Pre-Approval widget

  • NEW [Pricing] Create AMI API:

    • Creation the storage and API for Area Median Income (AMI) values in Pricing Microservice

  • NEW [Loan Editor] Tasks behavior for rejected document extractions:

    • When the document is rejected during document extraction process, the system moves the task associated with the rejected document from 'Ops To Review' to 'Rejected' status. The reject reason for the task is added automatically from Document Data screen

  • NEW [BE] 'New' word is added to the field name inside dynamic container:

    • The 'New' word won't be added to the inner field names when adding field types inside dynamic container

  • NEW [LE Declarations] Home counseling information:

    • Added Counseling HomePossible info to Loan Editor - Declarations tab

  • NEW [Forms] To enable scrolling for the whole document not for a single page for Form Preview:

    • Option so scroll through the whole document within Form Preview and Form Generation

  • NEW [Lock Info] Disable Edit button if lock expiration date is in past:

    • Disabled editing functionality for Lock Info if lock expiration date is passed

  • NEW [Pipelines] Add user criteria to expressions:

    • The expressions will allow to define visibility of loans within pipelines for various loan roles

  • NEW FRC: auto submit applications without available programs:

    • Application will be auto submitted in case of 10 minutes inactivity if there is no eligible options on Final Rate Comparison

  • NEW Number of Units - Multi Unit Property PreQual Follow Up Question:

    • Users should specify the number of units for Multi-Unit property to get more accurate loan options while completing Pre-Qualification.

  • NEW [UI/UX] Enhancements in showing roles in a User's profile shortcut:

    • Some UI/UX updates to a User's profile shortcut

  • NEW [Address] Set and disable Country:

    • Set Country = USA for USA addresses

  • NEW Trigger loan role unassignment when property state is changed

  • NEW Remove Worked with borrower checkbox for loan role unassignment

  • NEW Make Lock Extensions with 3 decimals both on UI and db:

    • Rounded lock extensions to 3 decimal places after the dot on both UI and database level

  • NEW [Security] Disallow to switch current step to previous ones by sidebar:

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