We’re pleased to announce that the following new features are now available:
Brokers can now create and assign Loan Conditions without setting up conditions configuration in advance. Broker Conditions is a free-form text conditions not restricted by predefined rules.
Added support for triggering Automated Actions through comparing prior and new values in Loan fields. Expression provide access to old values via "PriorValues.Application" entity. The system can now automatically send a form to the Borrower when the borrower's address was changed in the loan editor.
Tags now marked with labels allowing to visually differentiate "Global" and "Local". The marking applied to both Tags settings page and drop-down lists, where Tags are to be selected as options. Tags used for fundamental processing steps are upgraded to "Global" status.
We have also introduced several enhancements:
User can go to the second part application without the loan options in the first rate comparison and continue the application.
User can add a lock loan condition to the Automated action. When the loan meets the condition, the loan is locked and the dates are filled: Lock date and Lock time, Lock term and lock expiration.
User can add a lock loan condition to the Loan action. When the loan meets the condition, the loan gets a button for lock loan.