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All CollectionsRelease Notes
v67.0 - 11/1/2023 Release Notes
v67.0 - 11/1/2023 Release Notes

v67.0 - Release Notes

Updated over a week ago

We’re pleased to announce that the following new features are now available:

  • NEW Checklists as a part of underwriting process is implemented in the system. Checklists help to identify whether items/actions/documents are either missing or not completed in accordance with the defined expressions. The functionality access is regulated with the Checklists claims

  • NEW Added manual Lead creation on Loan Pipelines page via New Lead button

  • NEW [Realtors] Realtor with LO rights can see Documents View for the Application in Realtor Portal

  • NEW Rate options are provided in the Pricing Workbench view based on the point structure offering

  • NEW The second iteration of improvements for assigning loan roles is implemented including the following logic:

    • Previous borrower's applications are now searched by borrower's email for defining if a loan officer worked with a borrower before

    • Do not assign a user to a loan role when a related security group is deleted

  • NEW Loan Tags history showing when tags are assigned/removed to/from loan is displayed in Logs and on the Tags tab of the Loan Editor

  • NEW Now Skynet system allows to add/remove tags to/from a loan manually using Loan Editor -> Tags tab

  • NEW The conditions pipeline and conditions tab are now updated in real-time without the user needing to refresh the page

  • NEW We've introduced a new 'Ordered' checkbox for internal tasks. Once a task is marked as 'Ordered', it will be temporarily removed from the pipeline view. Administrators have the flexibility to pre-set the expected duration for documentation arrival in the settings. Upon marking a task as 'Ordered', its due date will be automatically calculated based on these predefined settings, and promptly displayed to the user

We have also introduced several enhancements:

  • NEW [Document Field Types] When user clicks 'Remove' for document field type, if the document field type has extracted data associated with it, the corresponding message will be shown. The document fiel type won't be removed

  • NEW Highlight Pending Changes was reworked at Liabilities, Declarations, Loan Originator tabs

  • NEW [LE Property] Admin -> Loans -> Loan -> Property. Mortgage Payments now include P&I and a second mortgage Amount Owned

  • NEW [Tags] Admin -> System -> Tags. Tag Items were sorted alphabetically

  • NEW [Pipelines] Admin -> System -> Pipelines. Pipelines were sorted alphabetically

  • NEW [Pipelines] Admin -> System -> Pipelines. In the left menu chosen Pipeline was highlighted in blue

  • NEW An option with 3 points has been added to the rate selection

  • NEW [Lead] Loan Roles tab is now available for a Lead in Loan Editor

  • NEW [Lead] Tags tab is now available for a Lead in Loan Editor

  • NEW [Lead] Saving Changes in Lead is now aggregated in Pending Changes

  • NEW [Snippets] Added "Allow edit" checkbox for snippets, so the content can be blocked from altering when Snippet is inserted in Email

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