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All CollectionsRelease Notes
v57.0 - 6/13/2023 Release Notes
v57.0 - 6/13/2023 Release Notes

v57.0 - Release Notes

Updated over 5 months ago

We’re pleased to announce that the following features and enhancements are now available:

  • NEW [Seller fee] Excluded seller paid fee from the list of fee in "Add CIC Fee reasons"

  • NEW [Broker Lenders] For broker company, added Flat Fee field to broker Lender screen, to set a flat fee that will be paid by Lender additionally

  • NEW [Fee Provider] Admin -> System -> Security Group. FeeProvider Manage is set for all companies (except Internal)

  • NEW [Conditions] Admin -> Underwritting -> Conditions -> Add Condition. For the 'Associate Task Type' Form Typed Task the form could be chosen as Create New Form

  • NEW [Condition] Admin -> Underwriting -> Condition Set. Drag-and-Drop was enabled for Condition Sets

  • NEW [Conditions] Admin -> Underwriting -> Condition Set. An accordion for Condition Sets was added

  • NEW [Application] Now the Agencies are displayed in alphabetic order from a to z and without their ID's

  • NEW [LE UW tab] There are some changes on underwriting tab:

    • if Total Assets >= sum of "Required Reserves Amount" and "Cash From/To Borrower", than Color "Required Reserves Amount" and "Months Reserves" at LE Underwriting tab is green;

    • if Total Assets < sum of "Required Reserves Amount" and "Cash From/To Borrower", than Color "Required Reserves Amount" and "Months Reserves" at LE Underwriting tab is red;

  • NEW [Forms] Admin -> Forms -> Forms -> National. 'URLA 1003 - no signatures are required' Form is created

  • NEW [Add forms to task assignment criteria] Now one task with one form to sign is generated for main borrower and all the co-borrowers

  • NEW [Seller fee] If the fee was added to CIC Reason and user changes the fee type on "seller paid", system shows a warning message: "This fee is part of CIC Reason - <CIC Reason name>. It cannot be marked as a seller fee until it is removed from CIC Reason - <CIC reason name>."

  • NEW [CIC CD] The new dynamic fields have been added for CIC CD. These fields will be used at CIC CD Cover Letter form

  • NEW The case when assets are included both in assets and credit is excluded

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