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v123.0 - 02/11/2025 Release Notes
v123.0 - 02/11/2025 Release Notes

v123.0 - Release Notes

Updated over a week ago

We’re pleased to announce that the following enhancements are now available:

Loan Options Email Preview: Loan Options Email now displays in preview with the same styling as on the “Price a Loan” page of the Realtor Portal.

Lien Priority Enhancements: Lien priority has been added at the program level, along with a defined set of available options at the loan level.

Updated Security Groups Page: The security-groups page now features the new table design.

Updated Conditions Page: The conditions page has been refreshed with the updated table design.

Editable REO Records: The Financial Information page now allows users to edit records in the “REO” table.

Enhanced Employment & Income Management: Users can now add new Income records to the “Employment & Income” table on the Financial Information page.

Expanded Asset Management: The Financial Information page now allows users to add new Asset records to the “Assets” table.

Real-Time Editing Updates: After submitting an edit, the Financial Information page now immediately reflects the updated values.

Improved Liability Management: Users can now add new Liability records to the “Liabilities” table from the Financial Information page.

New REO Record Addition: The Financial Information page now supports adding new REO records to the “REO” table.

MCR Access Control: Report Builder settings within Security Groups now allow for controlling access to the Mortgage Call Report (MCR).

Streamlined Loan Editor Menu: The Loan Editor menu has been redesigned for easier navigation, with the Loan Info block removed from the top.

Removed Redundant Menu Options: The “Personal Info” and “Declarations” options have been removed from the Loan Editor menu.

Projected Reserves Field Added: A “Projected Reserves” field has been introduced in the “Header” section of Loan Editor → 1003 → Assets.

Argyle Integration Support: Company properties now include settings to define Argyle integration parameters.

Expanded PPE Compensation Options: Users selecting loans in Optimal Blue (OB) and Loan Sifter PPE can now choose between Borrower or Lender-paid compensation in the “Compensation Type” dropdown under Loan → Loan Info. The default selection is Lender.

POS Income Verification Settings: The POS settings now include an option to specify the Income Verification Source.

Automatic Exclusion of Open 30-Day Credit Payments: For liabilities with a “Type of Credit” set to “Open 30 Day,” the “Exclude Payment” checkbox is now checked by default.

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