We’re pleased to announce that the following enhancements are now available:
• New Table Design for Consequent Milestones: The /consequent-milestones page has been updated with the new table design.
• New Table Design for Permanent Milestones: The /permanent-milestones page now features the latest table design.
• ARM Index Rate Percent Display: An “Index Rate Percent” field is now visible in the Loan Info section for loans with an ARM program selected.
• Loan Program Identifier(s) Field: A “Selected Loan Program Identifier(s)” field has been added.
• New Table Design for Appraisal Products: The /appraisal-products page has also received the new table design.
• Editable Liabilities on Financial Information Page: Liability records can now be edited on the redesigned “Financial Information” page under the “Liabilities” section. An Actions sub-menu provides an option to open an edit modal, giving access to each liability’s fields.